Lady narrowly escapes being crushed to death after falling out of a moving bus in Anambra - El-tech Lady narrowly escapes being crushed to death after falling out of a moving bus in Anambra | El-tech

 Lady narrowly escapes being crushed to death after falling out of a moving bus in Anambra

Ifeoma Oledibe is very grateful to God for delivering her from untimely death yesterday.
Taking to Facebook, she narrated how she narrowly escaped being crushed to death after falling out of a moving bus and being run over by another vehicle in Awka, Anambra State capital on Thursday, March 8. Read her story below...

 Lady narrowly escapes being crushed to death after falling out of a moving bus in Anambra
Till now, I still lack words to express my profound gratitude to God, for delivering me from an untimely death today. Yes, u read right, I would have been somewhere in a mortuary by now if not for his miraculous intervention. If not this merciful God, my pictures would have been flying around with RIP tag since morning. Friends glorify this God for me!
I can't help but shed tears as I am typing this, they are tears of joy. Joy of still being alive after death failed in bargaining for my life today. The same path so many have trod on and received RIP, but I received ''you have a big God!'' 
Can someone help me and brag about this God for a while.....He's the Covenant keeping God, Miracle working God, The help of the helpless, The Elshadai, The mighty man in battle, The Ocean divider, The Rose of Shalom, The rock of ages!!!! He's bigger than all these names, friends praise this God for me!
One of the pictures below, is the screenshot of the status I made this morning, before I had the encounter, as if I knew what is going to happen. And indeed, he proved to me that he's the unfailing God. Friends thank this God for me!
I stopped a mini bus on my way to school this morning, I personally don't like staying by the door, but being that it was the only space left, coupled with the fact that I was also in a haste, I decided to manage the place, I lowered my head to enter but I ended up hitting my head on the frame of the vehicle (I wonder when I became that tall) I don't need to tell you how painful that stuff can be. Anyway we took off, but there was this inner voice I shunned, which was telling me that it could be a bad omen, that I should get down from the bus, well like I said, I shunned it. The worst part is that there was no grip for me to hold, yet the door was not closed so I held the front seat.
We got to the ''beautiful gate'', (if you know Unizik very well you should know this gate, Unizik's first gate when you are coming from Amenyi or Agu-Awka, you will also know how busy that major road can be), the driver just swung to his left forcefully, everything happened so fast that can't even explain how it happened, but all I know is that my hand slipped from the seat I was holding, I lost balance and fall out of the bus, I can also remember shouting J.. E.. S... U.. S as I was falling. An inner voice again said, '' so Ifeoma this is how u ended up'' I thought I had been crushed by the vehicle that was following us, I thought I had died. But who is he that speaketh when the Lord has not spoken?
As I opened my eyes, I was expecting to see myself in another realm, with my spirit floating, but to my greatest surprise, I found out I am still in that environment, and very conscious. I looked back, the vehicle that was following us, just halted few feet away from me. I checked myself, it was just that slight bruises on the photo below, no fracture or any other serious thing, even the phone I was holding has no scratch on it, it was only the watch I was wearing that broke off from my hand, (which I didn't even bother to pick up) .....
As the other bus driver was busy scolding our own driver on how recklessly he drove, and the passengers were praising God, I was too shocked to cry or talk. I was wondering..... what if the other driver couldn't stop, what if he had ran over me, what if I had broken my head, what if my clothes had get hooked somewhere in the bus and I got dragged along.... So many what if. It could only be but God that can perform this kind of miracle!! Everyone was amazed because a lot of people have lost their lives through that way.
As you are already thanking God for me please, I want you to learn something from here, if you must stay by the door of a public bus, make sure it has a grip where u will hold, better still insist on the door being closed. And you as a driver, I hope you know that the vehicle manufacturers that attached the grips are not stupid, neither are they idiots to have made the door closable, if your bus' grip has fallen off, fix it back, make sure you close the passengers' door before you start your engine. All those little little things can be an architect of a premature death.
Prevention is better than cure
Protect life
8th of March, will never be forgotten in a hurry by me!  Friends, thank God for

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