Woman bags 15-years in prison for running over ‘Sugar Daddy’ with car after he stopped spending money on her - El-tech Woman bags 15-years in prison for running over ‘Sugar Daddy’ with car after he stopped spending money on her | El-tech

Woman bags 15-years in prison for running over ?Sugar Daddy? with car after he stopped spending money on her

A Georgia woman has been convicted for running over her "sugar daddy" after he ended their relationship 47-year-old Junmakia Racquel Henley was sentenced Monday to serve 15 years in prison with another 10 years of probation to follow for the crime.

Cobb County District Attorney Vic Reynolds said in a statement that Henley met the man, who police described as a "dapper retired engineer in his 60s," at a Walmart in Marietta in February 2016.
Authorities said after they met for lunch, the pair began to see each other frequently for several days. Henley pleaded with her sugar daddy to lavish her with money and gifts and taking her out to different exotic places.

Feeling he was being scammed, after spending enough on her, the man broke up with Henley and asked her to leave his house on March 5, 2016.
Prosecutors said the victim walked Henley to her car parked in his driveway, and when she got into her car, she immediately backed up and then accelerated toward the man, who was struck and landed on the hood of her car. 

After putting the car in reverse, which caused the victim to be removed from the car hood, Henley again drove over him, the court heard.
She fled the scene as the victim was screaming for help, prosecutors said. But luckily for the helpless man, he had his cellphone with him and was able to call for assistance and survived the attack.
According to NY Daily News, police arrested Henley the next day, and she denied being at the man's house at the time of the crash.
Henley who was convicted of aggravated assault with a motor vehicle, aggravated battery and felony hit and run, was sentenced to serve 15 years in prison with another 10 years of probation to follow her incarceration.
She will also have to serve at least 7 years in prison before being eligible for parole.

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